Config Master

Automatic Metadata and Security Configuration for Salesforce Projects

VSCode Extension – Automatic, Safe, Secure

Every Salesforce developer uses VSCode, and every Salesforce team must maintain a Configuration Blueprint of their configuration. 

Config Master automatically generates a 100% complete Metadata and Security configuration blueprint for Salesforce – All in VSCode – locally!

Easy to use – Always up-to-date

  • Generate configuration blueprint directly from source code.
  • Works completely locally – Salesforce access is NOT necessary.
  • Security is inherent.

Uses SFDX Project Bundle Locally

One of the significant shifts the SFDX based development brought is the change in the source of truth for the application code/metadata.

Previous to SFDX, Salesforce Org itself is the source of truth. SFDX recommended best practice is to keep all the metadata in the GIT/Source control system.
From an architectural perspective, building the config blueprint from the Source of Truth is best.

Config Master is designed to use the SFDX project bundle directly rather than the Salesforce org.

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